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Ukraine has started exporting biomethane to the European Union


In February 2025, the first pipeline supply of biomethane took place between Ukraine and the European Union. The export was carried out by a Ukrainian biomethane producer.

“The start of biomethane exports from Ukraine to the EU is an important step in strengthening energy independence and integration of our country into the European energy space. This not only opens up new opportunities for our energy sector, but also contributes to the decarbonisation of the economy and reduction of dependence on fossil fuels. Ukraine is ready to become a reliable supplier of clean energy to Europe. The Ministry pays considerable attention to the issue of biomethane exports, which is important within the new business model of the natural gas market and the energy sector of Ukraine as a whole,” said Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko.

The volume of the first biomethane supply to the EU was 67,000 cubic metres.

Ukrainian producers can export biomethane to the EU via the Ukrainian gas transmission system by connecting biomethane plants to both the gas transmission and gas distribution networks. The conditions and tariffs for connection and transportation through the Ukrainian gas transmission system for biomethane producers are similar to those for natural gas producers.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Ukraine on a Strategic Partnership on Biomethane, Hydrogen and other Synthetic Gases was signed in February 2023.

In order to ensure the functioning of the biomethane market, the Procedure for Customs Clearance of Exports of Ukrainian Biomethane was approved in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 380 “On amendments to certain regulatory acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on customs affairs”. The relevant Procedure came into force in September 2024.