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Information on doing business in Ukraine and importing goods, works and services, including: information on technical barriers to trade, licensing, customs tariffs and taxes in Ukraine, regulatory documents, trade restrictions on the import of Ukrainian products.

Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office
Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office
The EEPO was established based on the Ukrainian Export Promotion Office, which successfully operated since 2015 and demonstrated its effectiveness, recognized both domestically and by international partners.
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Ukraine and WTO
Ukraine and WTO
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization that takes care of global rules for trade between countries. Its main function is to ensure that trade takes place as easily, predictably and freely as possible.
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Government Procurement Agreement
Government Procurement Agreement
Ukrainian companies can participate in public procurements of 48 GPA member countries under conditions of non-discrimination and equal treatment of local and foreign companies.
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Free Trade Agreements
Free Trade Agreements
Trade agreements between two or more countries define their mutual rights and obligations in the field of trade, on the basis of which international trade and economic relations are regulated.
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Trade Support and Development
Trade Support and Development
Institutions, programs/projects aimed at supporting entrepreneurship and developing export potential (in particular, those financed under international technical assistance projects) help exporters find their potential partners in foreign markets.
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Import Guide
Evaluate new circumstances and opportunities, consider business development and expansion into foreign markets